This is a Prime Numbers’ Generator from Integers up to 2,000,000,000, written in Turbo Pascal.
This program generates the prime numbers up to a given arithmetic limit, using 4 (four) different known methods. They are all based in modulo algebra. The methods are:
- This uses the mathematical definition of a prime number to generate them. A prime is only divided by 1 and himself. Disadvantage: The method is very slow.
- In this method, each number N is modulo divided only with the half of the numbers below it (N/2). Thus, the search is becoming faster than the first method.
- In the third method, a number, let N, is modulo divided only with the numbers up to . As a result of that, the generation process is 10 times faster than the previous methods.
- The fourth method is the best of all. It is based on the 3rd method, only it bypass the praxis, by modulo dividing each number N with the first, the second and the third prime number and then, if there is a residue, it modulo divides N with j, where j is an integer from with step 2. The above trick has the eye-blink effect: the method generates primes (within a reasonable range) before you blink your eyes….:-)
The program is algorithmically very simple. In other words, there are limitations originating in the LONGINT Type of Turbo Pascal, which has a range of -2,147,xxx,xxx to 2,147,xxx,xxx. As a result, expect the program to terminate abnormally if you enter an upper Limit more than 2 billion…
program protoi2; uses crt; label nocode, try, again, sexit; var p,number,i,j, select, count, position : longint; ans, choice, dmode, algo : char; code : string; function root ( n : longint) : longint; begin root := trunc(sqrt(n)); end; function prime1(n: longint) : integer; var j : longint; begin for j:=2 to n-1 do begin p:= n mod j; if p=0 then begin prime1:=0; exit; end; end; prime1:=1 ; end; function prime2(n: longint) : integer; var j,k : longint; begin k:=trunc(n/2); for j:=2 to k do begin p:= n mod j; if p=0 then begin prime2:=0; exit; end; end; prime2:=1 ; end; function prime3(n: longint) : integer; var j,k : longint; begin k:=root(n); for j:=2 to k do begin p:= n mod j; if p=0 then begin prime3:=0; exit; end; end; prime3:=1 ; end; function prime4(n: longint) : integer; var j : longint; begin if (n mod 2) = 0 then if ( n=2 ) then begin prime4:=1; exit; end else begin prime4:=0;exit; end; if (n mod 3) = 0 then if ( n=3 ) then begin prime4:=1; exit; end else begin prime4:=0;exit; end; if (n mod 5) = 0 then if n=5 then begin prime4:=1; exit; end else begin prime4:=0;exit; end; j:=7; while j*j <= n do begin p:= n mod j; if p=0 then begin prime4:=0; exit; end; j:=j+2; end; prime4:=1 ; end; begin clrscr; writeln(' version 0.1'); writeln; writeln('THIS program estimates the prime numbers...'); writeln; algo:='4'; dmode:='2'; while 1=1 do begin writeln; writeln('|=- MENU -=|'); writeln('1. Find all the Primes until a given Limit.'); writeln('2. Find the N-nth Prime.'); writeln('3. Options.'); writeln('4. Exit.'); write('>'); readln(choice); writeln; case choice of '4': begin goto sexit; end; '3': begin writeln('Select an Algorithm: '); writeln(' 1...Slower / Lamez'); writeln(' 2...Medium / Andrew'); writeln(' 3...Fast / Makis'); writeln(' 4...Eye-Blink'); write('>'); readln(algo); writeln; writeln('Select Output Mode: '); writeln(' 1...Horizontal'); writeln(' 2...Vertical'); write('>'); readln(dmode); writeln('Changing something, please wait....'); for j:=1 to 30 do begin Delay(500); write('.'); end; writeln; writeln('Good things need hard work to get!'); writeln; writeln('Squeeze a button, please'); readln; end; '2': begin count:=0; writeln('Enter No of the Prime:'); readln(position); case algo of '4': begin for i:=2 to 2000000000 do begin if prime4(i)=1 then count:=count+1; if count=position then break; gotoxy(1, wherey); write('\'); gotoxy(1, wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('-'); gotoxy(1, wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('/'); gotoxy(1,wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('|'); gotoxy(1,wherey); write(' '); end; writeln ('Prime No #',position,' is: ',i); end; '3': begin for i:=2 to 2000000000 do begin if prime3(i)=1 then count:=count+1; if count=position then break; gotoxy(1, wherey); write('\'); gotoxy(1, wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('-'); gotoxy(1, wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('/'); gotoxy(1,wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('|'); gotoxy(1,wherey); write(' '); end; writeln ('Prime No #',position,' is: ',i); end; '2': begin for i:=2 to 2000000000 do begin if prime2(i)=1 then count:=count+1; if count=position then break; gotoxy(1, wherey); write('\'); gotoxy(1, wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('-'); gotoxy(1, wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('/'); gotoxy(1,wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('|'); gotoxy(1,wherey); write(' '); end; writeln ('Prime No #',position,' is: ',i); end; '1': begin for i:=2 to 2000000000 do begin if prime1(i)=1 then count:=count+1; if count=position then break; gotoxy(1, wherey); write('\'); gotoxy(1, wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('-'); gotoxy(1, wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('/'); gotoxy(1,wherey); write(' '); gotoxy(1, wherey); write('|'); gotoxy(1,wherey); write(' '); end; writeln ('Prime No #',position,' is: ',i); end; end; end; '1': begin writeln('Enter a number for Prime-Generator upper Limit'); readln(number); writeln; writeln('Prime Numbers up to: ', number); count:=0; case algo of '1': begin for i:=2 to number do begin if prime1(i)=1 then begin if dmode='1' then begin write(',',i); count:=count+1; end else begin count:=count+1; write('Prime = '); writeln(i); end; end; end; end; '2':begin for i:=2 to number do begin if prime2(i)=1 then begin if dmode='1' then begin write(',',i); count:=count+1; end else begin count:=count+1; write('Prime = '); writeln(i); end; end; end; end; '3' : begin for i:=2 to number do begin if prime3(i)=1 then begin if dmode='1' then begin write(',',i); count:=count+1; end else begin count:=count+1; write('Prime = '); writeln(i); end; end; end; end; '4': begin for i:=2 to number do begin if prime4(i)=1 then begin if dmode='1' then begin write(',',i); count:=count+1; end else begin count:=count+1; write('Prime = '); writeln(i); end; end; end; end; else begin for i:=2 to number do begin if prime4(i)=1 then begin if dmode='1' then begin write(',',i); count:=count+1; end else begin count:=count+1; write('Prime = '); writeln(i); end; end; end; end; end; writeln; writeln('Found ', count,' prime numbers'); end; end; end; sexit: writeln ('Bye....'); readln; end. |
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