dimitris kalamaras

math, social network analysis, web dev, free software…

Category: Web development Page 1 of 3

CORDELLA | Τι Είναι και Πώς Λειτουργεί η 1η Online Λίστα Δώρων στην Ελλάδα

Η Cordella είναι η 1η και μοναδική online λίστα δώρων στην Ελλάδα που επιτρέπει σε ζευγάρια και καλεσμένους να επιλέξουν ανάμεσα σε μία μεγάλη ποικιλία δώρων γάμου & βάπτισης, με χιλιάδες προϊόντα, δώρα εμπειρίας, αλλά και τη δυνατότητα κατάθεσης χρημάτων 🎁💕

Cordella.gr screenshot

Cordella: The first online wedding registry in Greece

Cordella is an online wedding registry application, developed from scratch in React/Next. The app uses SSR, thanks to the wonderful Next.js, and is lightning fast. Has some nice features for the couples like customised registry page, ability to add crowdfunded items and virtual “piggy banks” in their wedding wishlist, and offers easy registry/gift management in the background. Check it out and if you’re getting married soon, you might make use of it 🙂

Cloudflare Workers: Deploy a React app with create‑react‑app

Serverless: How to create and serve a static React site directly from Cloudflare’s CDN using Workers

In this tutorial, we use Wrangler and Cloudflare Workers to deploy and serverless serve a static site developed in React.

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Drupal Theming: Boostrap Subtheme with Sass, Compass and Grunt

This article is a quick how-to create a Bootstrap subtheme for Drupal 7, as described here and here, to be able to work with the Sass CSS preprocessor. If you don’t know what Sass is and does, read this introductory guide.

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How to get free signed SSL Certificates and setup secure domains in Apache and Debian

Note: This article is old and the information is obsolete. Please use Let’s Encrypt to get Free SSL/TLS Certificates.

This how-to describes the process to obtain 100% free, signed SSL Certificates from StartSSL.com and configure Apache in Debian to use these SSL certificates in your virtual domains, so that people can access your site(s) through https (i.e. https://example.com) without ever having the browser tell them the scary “this site isn’t trusted” anymore.

Before you start, you will need:

  • One or more of your functional domains which point to a server you own and have root access to. In this tutorial I’ll be using my wife’s supersyntages.gr as testbed.
  • A browser, for this tutorial Chrome, although you might prefer Firefox (see below why).
  • Root access to your server with Debian and Apache installed, with the above domains configured as VirtualHost.
  • The openssl package installed in your computer.
  • One of the following emails configured in each of the domains you want to include in the SSL certificates:
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

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Bovary.gr goes online – A new digital experience for women


Bovary.gr is a new digital experience. A well-designed responsive website in Greek about women and their interests: fashion, beauty, art, design, healthy living and having fun.

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An apache monitoring script

One of the daily routines administrators do is to monitor their web server logs for various interesting things: response codes (i.e. 500), attempts to access restricted pages, user-agents, ips, popular pages, even image hotlinking from other sites. In Linux servers, this can be easily done through shell one-liners involving various tools (tail, awk, sort, cut etc). Here is a bash script I use which automates apache monitoring for a given website.

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