dimitris kalamaras

math, social network analysis, web dev, free software…

Tag: Software

SocNetV 0.46 is here!

I just uploaded the new SocNetV version to the Sourceforge File Release System (FRS). Nothing special this time. SocNetV 0.46 is just a bug fix release – Pajek format loading is improved and zooming widgets work as they should (at last!).

The only new features is that nodes can be automatically resized according to their outDegrees. This is no novelty, but helps a lot. Imagine you have a network of 100 nodes where you have applied a betweeness centrality layout. Nodes which happen to be on many shortest paths between other pairs of nodes will be positioned towards the center of the screen, and can be thought of as ‘mediators’ of information. This is nice, but for instance do they also happen to have many links to other nodes? In other words, do they know a lot of actors as well? With one click, SocNetV can give now an answer, depicting nodes with different sizes according to their outLinks: nodes with more links are bigger than those with less links. Wow 😛

Math and Algebra software you can’t miss in Linux…

Yesterday, I was searching for some nice mathematics applications, mainly for computer algebra, in Linux and here are my two main conclusions.

  • First, there are hundreds of math programs and libraries out there for any need!
  • Second, try to stick with Debian-based distros, or else you ‘ll end up compiling the universe.

In the beginning, I had not exact idea what I was searching for, but to be honest I would love to have something like Mathcad (which unfortunately is commercial and not open-source). Unfortunately, I don’t believe there is such thing in Free Software, at least for the moment.

Nevertheless, after a little search with apt-cache (using Debian unstable), various applications came to my attention.

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